Tentative Interim Amendments (TIA) are changes to the already adopted National Electrical Code (NEC) that cannot wait until the next code cycle. A TIA is tentative because it has not been processed through the entire standards-making procedures, and it is interim because it is effective only between editions of the standard. TIA’s are important because depending on the printed 2017 NEC edition that you may have, these new or revised code requirements may not be included in your code book. The following are all of the TIA’s for the 2017 NEC edition:
- (revised) 590.4(G) Splices. A box, conduit body, or other enclosure, with a cover installed, shall be required for all splices.
Exception: On construction sites, a box, conduit body, or other enclosure shall not be required for either of the following conditions:(1) The circuit conductors being spliced are all from nonmetallic multiconductor cord or cable assemblies, provided that the equipment grounding continuity is maintained with or without the box.
(2) The circuit conductors being spliced are all from metal sheathed cable assemblies terminated in listed fittings that mechanically secure the cable sheath to maintain effective electrical continuity.
~ - (revised) 625.44(A) Portable Equipment. Portable equipment shall be connected to the premises wiring systems by one or more of the following methods:
(1) A nonlocking, 2-pole, 3-wire grounding-type receptacle outlet rated at 125 volts, single phase, 15 or 20 amperes
(2) A nonlocking, 2-pole, 3-wire grounding-type receptacle outlet rated at 250 volts, single phase, 15 or 20 amperes
(3) A nonlocking, 2-pole, 3-wire or 3-pole, 4-wire grounding-type receptacle outlet rated at 250 volts, single phase, 30 or 50 amperes
(4) A nonlocking, 2-pole, 3-wire grounding-type receptacle outlet rated at 60 volts dc maximum, 15 or 20 amperes
The length of the power supply cord, if provided, between the receptacle outlet and the equipment shall be in accordance with 625.17(A) (3).
~ - (new) 625.54 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection for Personnel. All single-phase receptacles installed for the connection of electric vehicle charging that are rated 150 volts to ground or less, and 50 amperes or less shall have ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection for personnel.
~ - (new) 625.56 Receptacle Enclosures. All receptacles installed in a wet location for electric vehicle charging shall have an enclosure that is weatherproof with the attachment plug cap inserted or removed.
~ - (revised) 690.56(C) Buildings with Rapid Shutdown. Buildings with PV systems shall have permanent labels as described in 690.56(C)(1) through (C)(3).
~ - (revised) 770.110(A)(2) Communications Raceways. Optical fiber cables shall be permitted to be installed in plenum communications raceways, riser communications raceways, and general-purpose communications raceways selected in accordance with Table 800.154(b), listed in accordance with 800.182, and installed in accordance with 800.113 and 362.24 through 362.56, where the requirements applicable to electrical nonmetallic tubing (ENT) apply.